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Annie Janvier

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Annie Janvier

Dr. Annie Janvier (MD, PhD) is a Pediactric Neonatologist specializing in clinical ethics. She is an active member of the Clinical Ethics Office, Clinical Ethics Unit and Palliative Care Unit of Sainte-Justine Hospital. At University of Montreal, she co-directs the Masters and PhD programs in Clinical Ethics. Dr. Janvier is a Senior Clinician Researcher at the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQ-S). The majority of her research projects involve a parent/patient as a co-investigator. Her research focuses on the experience and perspective of parents and patients. She has demonstrated many contrasts between provider and parental perspectives and investigates how to optimize communication between clinicians and patients/families. Dr. Janvier is author of many narratives, publications and books in clinical ethics and medicine.